Holy Crap!!!
This summer has been so amazingly busy, I have been severely delinquent in updating this blog!!! These are very outdated pictures of two new additions..."Mehe" and "Winnie" joined me in late April...two Nigerian Dwarf does in milk, each 3 years of age. As you can see, their small size does not limit their ability to produce PLENTY of milk!!!
I have also added 5 chickens to the mix, 4 hens and one accidental rooster who gets to stick around as long as he behaves himself. Leigh's kiddos named all of the chickens last weekend...
We have "Dumpling" the rooster whom I named as a reminder of what will become of him if he EVER uses his spurs on me. Abbie named "Oreo" the black and white Barred Rock hen, and "Banana" the brownish Araucana hen. Liam named the two Rhode Island Reds "Thunderbird" and "Firebird".
All of the hens are producing...which is WONDERFUL!!! Fresh milk and eggs are a nice thing to have in constant supply. "Matilda" the duck managed to produce an amazing 28 eggs this season, all wonderfully rich and VERY good for baking.
Kyle spent the majority of last Saturday constructing the "chicken fortress"...soon to be a safe, warm winter residence for the little flock of chickens.
I would also like to welcome "Miles Davis" to the mix...He is the replacement barn cat that has recently joined the crew. "Ibsen" has chosen to take up permanent residence at my parents house. He is MUCH happier there, where he gets to sleep on the bed, play with the family dog, and irradicate all vermin, much to my fathers delight.
Miles was a stray, and he looks like he has had a hard life. He is missing large portions of both ears, most likely due to frostbite. Both upper canine teeth are missing, and I have no idea why...poor kitty. His fur was horribly matted, so he now sports an uneven haircut...but fur will grow back eventually. He has fit in seamlessly, and is already doing a great job controlling the vole population.
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